Our Catskill visit begins with the boys (Jim, my husband, Joe, and my son, Jake) taking Jim's "Mule" out for a spin on the country roads and surrounding land while Marie and I get ready for cocktail hour. Then we sip a martini in their beautiful back yard overlooking the pond, have a fabulous dinner prepared by Marie, and stay up much to late for people who are getting up early to drive seven hours back to DC.
Jim and Marie are both fabulous painters and this year I came home with two watercolors of Marie's. My previous Sullivan purchase was one of Jim's landscapes which hangs in our dining room and which we love dearly.
Our ten year old son enjoys this trip as much as we do. This year he bonded with Dalia the big dog who had initially terrified him.
It is much to early to even begin to think where we might vacation next summer, but I know it will be someplace that allows us to stop by the Sullivan's on our way home.