Monday, September 13, 2010

Scott and Ivana - September 10, 2010

This past Friday evening, Kaitey Whitehead and I photographed Scott and Ivana's wedding on the grounds of the Jefferson Memorial. I have taken lots of portraits there, but I have never shot a wedding on site. The weather was crazy beautiful with the most dramatic cloud formations.

Kaitey and I were just with the couple for the wedding and portraits. After the ceremony the bride and groom and their guests went off for a dinner cruise on the Oddesy. All our best to Scott and Ivana, and many thanks for letting us take these photos.


  1. Beautiful, wonderful, Ivana.

    Tudo muito bacana!

  2. Querida Ivana com já disse inúmeras vezes: você estava maravilhosa!!!! Parabéns para os dois!!! Esperamos vocês em breve aqui para comemoramos juntos eta nova união! Bjos!!!
    Débora, Charles e Amanda.

  3. Dear Ivana!!!
    Vcs estão lindos e nitidamente apaixonados. O lugar transpira romance, o dia estava perfeito!
    Tudo estava maravilhoso, sejam felizes. Saudades...
    Cleidi e Eder

  4. Parabéns Ivana !
    Felicidades ao casal !!
    ...Coisa de cinema hein ?! Lindas imagens !
    Beijo !!!
